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Date: 7/21/2022
Subject: LWVOC Newsletter & Events
From: Lisa K Adkins

Dear Fellow Leaguers,

I have big news to share. I have accepted a policy writer position on the Alexa team at Amazon in Seattle. This is an amazing opportunity for me professionally and for my family as a whole (shown below.) We are looking forward to the new opportunity, but it is bittersweet to leave all of you. Although we will be heading to Seattle at the end of August in time for my girls to start the new school year, I will not be leaving my co-presidency position. I will continue to serve virtually. One silver lining of COVID is that we are more connected now than ever before through technology. The August board meetings and Hot Topics will be my last in-person events. Beginning in September I will attend board meetings and other events virtually. 

I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the impact our League has had on me personally and as an advocate. I joined the League looking for a way to channel my frustrations with the assault on our democracy. I not only found an avenue to fine-tune my advocacy skills, but I also found lifelong friends and mentors. I continue to be inspired by each of you and your dedication to fighting the good fight. 

Since I have your attention, I have a few asks. First, please register for the August 10 Hot Topics so that I can see you in person and say a proper farewell. Second, join our next virtual President's Chat on August 11. Bonus, it's also my birthday so pop in and say Happy Birthday! Finally, Barbara and I (shown below) are launching a new grassroots initiative to introduce several tools to help us reach more voters. We are calling it Grassroots University. It’s for new and seasoned Leaguers alike. More details will be in the next newsletter.

In League,

Nicolette Springer

Upcoming Events


Virtual New Member Orientation 

6:30 PM Learn all about the League.  Meet LWVOC leadership, committee chairs as well as other new members.  ALL MEMBERS WELCOME

AUG 10

HOT TOPICS: Judicial Candidate Forum

11:30 AM Meet and learn about the eight candidates running for Orange County Judge.
Location:  Winter Park Events Center
$30-Members   $35-Non-members
View More Events
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What’s Happening?

Orange County News

AARP Florida, Spectrum News 13 and the Orlando Sentinel invite you to join them for a Community Conversation with Congressional Candidates for Districts 7, 9, and 10.
The event will take place on July 28 from 6:30 – 8:30 pm at the Orlando Science Center, located at 777 East Princeton Street in Orlando.
This event is free to attend, but registration is required. The parking lot is free for the event.
VISIT for more information about your ballot, polling place, candidates answering questions and so much more.
Thank you to our volunteers who helped to complete the Orange County information for this national site.

Committee Updates

Voter Services Committee still in need of volunteers for this weekend's Church Outreach events. Find out more HERE.

July is Disability Pride Month and our DEIA Committee has provided information and resources:

DIAL 988, new mental health service hotline, nationwide suicide & crisis hotline
Florida Accessible Voting Assistance, voting rights and resources
Easterseals Checklist for Voting Rights, a comprehensive resource list
What is Disability Pride Month?  Learn about the month and activities available.
USDOT 32nd Anniversary Celebration  July 26th virtual anniversary event/passing of ADA

Transportation Committee:  This November, Orange County voters will decide if they want a one-cent sales tax increase to fund transportation needs across the County. On April 26, 2022, the Orange County Board of County Commissioners voted 4-3 to put the transportation sales tax referendum on the fall ballot.

Education Committee:  Save the dates and show up to the important Orange County School Board Forums highlighted below.

Event Recaps

 The 9th Circuit Court Judicial Forum on July 13 was a big hit! The audience was highly engaged and we all had an opportunity to hear directly from the judges. Controversial issues were addressed directly, such as Federalist Society membership and public school enrollment for kids of judicial candidates. We can expect more of the same and then some when we hear from eight candidates for Orange County Court judge on August 10 as they answer questions about issues we care about. Get the information you need to decide who you want to make critical legal decisions on your behalf and those you care about. Who will get your vote? You decide. 

A recording of the July 13 Hot Topics, Judicial Candidates Forum-9th Circuit Court is now available  on our YouTube Channel.  Be sure to "subscribe" to our channel for notifications of upcoming videos.  SHARE this newsletter so that your family, friends, and colleagues can also learn more about the candidates before Aug 23 election. *Shown below l. to r.:  Leaguers Marty and Maura Sullivan & judicial candidates taking questions  Photos by Carol Wonsavage, click for July 13 Photo Album
The Hot Topics Committee is looking for more dedicated individuals who would like to help plan our League's signature events.  If interested, contact Gloria Pickar at or 321-287-7483 

Welcome to the League


A hearty welcome to our newest members:
Michele Van Son Neill
Paige Gorman
Cullen Gorman
Roger Weeden
Judge Diana Tennis
Michael Cybrynski
Michael Morris
Chelsea Simmons
Diane Kuhl
Elizabeth Whelpley
Melva Bentley Ross
Jamie LaMoreaux
Sandra Pettis
H. Eugene Pettis


Thank You, Donors!


Barbara Shell

LaVon W. Bracy

Ann Hicks Murrah-In honor of all League Board members; thanks for all that you do!


Your donation helps us defend democracy and empower voters.

We have about a week to reach our JULY goal and your contribution is greatly appreciated!
A note from the editor:
Perhaps you've noticed that the newsletter and our social media outlets look a bit different.  In keeping with our goal to have consistent branding across our many communication platforms, we are utilizing an updated design for our weekly email update.  We look forward to your feedback as we continue our 2022 updates.