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Date: 8/11/2022
Subject: LWVOC Newsletter & Events
From: Lisa K Adkins

In preparation for the rapidly approaching local and state election cycle the LWVOC Speakers Bureau is gearing up to facilitate the voting process for Orange County residents.  To encourage voter turnout we want to educate our fellow Orange County residents on the importance of voting, how to be an educated voter and to understand what is on the ballot.  To this end we are furnishing LWVOC members with the skills to speak to community groups about issues confronting their members who want to exercise their right to vote.

Our first workshop will be via zoom on Monday August 29, 7:00PM.  Please RSVP to You will be sent instructions on joining the workshop upon receipt of your response.  Along with the LWVOC Speakers Bureau co-chairs, Denise Burton, our newly appointed LWVFL Speakers Bureau Co-chair, will be attending the workshop and sharing her expertise with us.

Looking for more candidate information?  You can view the forums we moderated recently for District 2 & 3 Orange County School Board candidates as well as our recent judicial candidate Hot Topics (this week's coming soon.)

Upcoming Events

AUG 18 (date change)

Chat with the Co-Presidents

7:00 PM Join us as we bid Nicolette "safe journey" and learn how her virtual leadership will work.  Also hear updates about League efforts for upcoming election.  ALL MEMBERS WELCOME

AUG 16

LWVOC Grassroots University

6:30 PM  Webinar series about taking voter outreach to the next level
Location:  Virtual 
Learn with the League!
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What’s Happening?

Orange County News 

Early voting has begun and will be open through AUG 21, 9am-7pm daily. 
Visit Vote411 Info or OC Elections to find answers to all your election questions.
LWV of Florida News
President Cecile Scoon will take part in an important discussion "Voter Suppression: A Cancer in our Body Politic" with Michael Waldman, President of the Brennen Center, moderated by E.J. Dionne.  RSVP Here/More Info
Volunteer Opportunity
Plans for the primary and general election Campaign Sign Collection Campaigns are in full swing. In conjunction with Orange County and the Cities of Orlando and Winter Park, the League of Women Voters of Orange County is ramping up to collect campaign signs when candidates are done with them. The plan is to collect the signs after both the primary and the general elections at locations around the county. Subsequently, the signs will be delivered to NuCycle Energy in Plant City for re-use as a clean(er) source of energy for the cement manufacturing industry.
Click below for more:

Committee Updates

 Transportation Committee:This November, Orange County voters will decide if they want a one-cent sales tax increase to fund transportation needs across the County. On April 26, 2022, the Orange County Board of County Commissioners voted 4-3 to put the transportation sales tax referendum on the fall ballot.  Also, note that the Sept 14 Hot Topics is about this issue. Click to learn more about the initiative and watch this special video.

Event Recaps

It was another great turnout at this week's HOT TOPICS.  Enjoy these photos from Carol Wonsavage and follow our YouTube Channel to view our candidate forum uploads including Orange County School Board District 2 & 3 board candidates.

Shown below L-R: Moderator Judge Tanya Wilson, Susan Windmiller, Co-Pres. Nicolette Springer, Gloria Pickar, Judicial candidates taking questions and attendees.

Welcome to the League

A hearty welcome to our newest members:

Linda Buttery

Patricia Lancaster


Thank You, Donors!

Be an investor in democracy.  
Consider a gift to LWVOC today!
We want to see your name HERE next week.
Important Lunch and Learn tomorrow with the LWVFL

This week's webinar will feature a program centered around the recent Supreme Court of the United States ruling in Carson v. Makin.

The Supreme Court issued a ruling on June 21, 2022 in Carson v. Makin that requires the state of Maine to fund religious education at private religious schools as part of its tuition assistance program. The program pays for students to attend private school if their town does not have a public high school.

Join us on Friday, August 12 at 1:00 p.m. (ET) as we learn more from representatives from the Education Law Center, Southern Poverty Law Center, the League of Women Voters of the United States and the Network for Public Education Action about the impact this ruling has on our nation as a whole as well as the potential impacts on Florida schools voucher funding/programs.