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Date: 8/18/2022
Subject: LWVOC Newsletter & Events
From: Lisa K Adkins

LWVUS has been named as one of the nine "Best Charities for Voting Rights" Read more HERE  Included in this prestigious group: American Civil Liberties Union, Brennan Center for Justice, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Common Cause, League of Women Voters, Ballotpedia, FairVote, Spread the Vote, Rock the Vote
This means you can REST ASSURED that when you click here, donations will go directly to our work for empowering voters and defending democracy.
THANK YOU to our recent donors:
Liberty Kemp
Jackie Kemp
Libby Jackson in recognition of Jean Siegfried "Jean has been an inspiration to so many people. Thank you Jean for leading and always with a smile and open heart."
 Melissa Vickers
Georgiana Holmes
Pat Grierson
Christine Kelly Bramuchi
Looking for more candidate information?  You can view the forums we moderated recently for Judicial Candidates as well as District 2 & 3 Orange County School Board candidates.

Upcoming Events

AUG 18 (tonight)

Chat with the Co-Presidents

7:00 PM Join us as we bid Nicolette "safe journey" and learn how her virtual leadership will work.  Also hear updates about League efforts for upcoming election.  ALL MEMBERS WELCOME

AUG 22

Voter Services/UCF Welcome Back Event

11:30 -1 PM  Welcome Back Popsicle Event
Location:  UCF 
Register/educate incoming students
Members Only/Login to profile and click below

Our League has long believed that a dedicated funding source is needed to get us to work and leisure activities and to bring Central Florida’s transit system to a place where we can thrive and compete for corporate headquarters and better paying jobs.
View More Events
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What’s Happening?

Orange County News 

Early voting has begun and will be open through AUG 21, 9am-7pm daily. 
Visit Vote411 Info or OC Elections to find answers to all your election questions.
LWV of Florida News
AUG 24,  DEI Event, Honoring Indigenous Peoples Webinar More info/registration HERE.
SEPT 12, President Cecile Scoon will take part in an important discussion "Voter Suppression: A Cancer in our Body Politic" with Michael Waldman, President of the Brennen Center, moderated by E.J. Dionne.  RSVP Here/More Info
Volunteer Opportunity
Plans for the primary and general election Campaign Sign Collection Campaigns are in full swing. In conjunction with Orange County and the Cities of Orlando and Winter Park, the League of Women Voters of Orange County is ramping up to collect campaign signs when candidates are done with them. The plan is to collect the signs after both the primary and the general elections at locations around the county. Subsequently, the signs will be delivered to NuCycle Energy in Plant City for re-use as a clean(er) source of energy for the cement manufacturing industry.

Committee Updates

Speaker's Bureau 
In preparation for the rapidly approaching local and state election cycle the LWVOC Speakers Bureau is gearing up to facilitate the voting process for Orange County residents.  They are hosting their first workshop will be via zoom on Monday August 29, 7:00PM.  Please RSVP to will be sent instructions on joining the workshop upon receipt of your response.  Along with the LWVOC Speakers Bureau co-chairs, Denise Burton, our newly appointed LWVFL Speakers Bureau Co-chair, will be attending the workshop and sharing her expertise with us.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility Committee would like to remind you to take the DEI survey sponsored by the LWVFL. It's short and direct and should take you no more than 10 minutes. Your honest input will help shape the DEI agenda for the state as well as local Leagues. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are central to our organization’s current and future success as we work to engage all individuals, households, communities, and policy makers in creating a more perfect democracy. Click HERE to take the SURVEY.

Event Recaps

LWVOC was well represented recently at UCF as students were welcomed back to the campus.  Members only, volunteer at the next opportunity HERE on AUG 22.  Photos courtesy, Katelin Hoveskeland

Welcome to the League

A hearty welcome to our newest members:

Cadence Ellis
Angelin Clarke
Alicia Ponader
Jordon Sweet
Carol Hadley
Samantha Levine
Neisa Fetes


Thank You, Donors!

We appreciate your generosity.
Liberty Kemp
Jackie Kemp
Libby Jackson "in recognition of Jean Siegfried"
Melissa Vickers
Pat Grierson
Christine Kelly Bramuchi
Georgiana Holmes
Mark your calendar for the next new member Orientation.
Remember to log into your League profile and then register here: 6:00 pm FALL LEAGUE SHOWCASE and New Member Orientation - 10/6/2022