It may seem like the time to "take a break" from the recent election busyness (yes, that's a word.) But experience tells us that now is the time to continue educating and organizing ourselves. Things you can do as a concerned citizen:
Attend SEPT 14 Hot Topics to learn about the proposed Transportation Tax
Collect/recycle campaign signs at collection sites by Sept 6
Visit to check your voter status
Encourage others to register to vote; cutoff is OCT 11
Upcoming Events
AUG 25-Sept 6
Clean Up Campaign Signs
Joining with Orange County and the cities of Orlando and Winter Park, we're helping to keep campaign signs out of the landfill.
Hot Topics: Transportation Tax-Will a Penny Here Help to Get You There?
LWVOC Co-President Chat
6:30 PM Enjoy an after-dinner chat with our Co-Presidents Barbara Lanning/Nicolette Springer to get caught up on LWVOC news.
Grassroots University Webinar
What’s Happening?
Orange County News
"Partisans using new state election law to inspect mail-in votes" Read more HERE and if you're interested in joining a non-partisan group hoping to play a role in the process of curing ballots, email our Co-Presidents
Committee Updates
New Poll Shows 63% Support for National Popular Vote -- Up from 55% Last Year
Around six-in-ten U.S. adults (63%) say the way the president is elected should be changed so that the winner of the popular vote nationwide wins the presidency, while 35% favor keeping the current Electoral College system, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted June 27-July 4, 2022
Welcome to the League
Marcie Simmons Christine Green Renee Mack Thomas Thomas Daniel Elliott Sethy Grandin Christy Wilson Delk – Ida B. Wells Member Joe North – Ida B. Wells Member Onchantho Am
Thank You, Donors!