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Date: 9/8/2022
Subject: LWVOC Newsletter & Events
From: Lisa K Adkins

We are only 61 days until election day! September is a good time for us to brush up on skills and connect with leadership before the election crunch time. We have organized two events to make that happen. The first is our next session of our Grassroots University which will be focused on communications and media training. Second is our Committee Chair and Leadership development series. We are strongly requesting all committee chairs, veteran and new, plan to attend. Additionally, if you hold any sort of leadership role organizing Leaguers or communicating with the public on behalf of the League or you are considering a future leadership role, your attendance is also requested. At this meeting, we will discuss our communications strategy, update you on new essential League procedures, and will request your feedback on future planning. If you are unable to attend please select a delegate from your committee to be present. Both of these events are virtual and can be found on the League calendar. Please RSVP so we can plan accordingly. As always, thank you for your dedication to our League. 

We have a VIP line-up for this event.  Visit our Hot Topics page to learn more.
Our League has long believed that a dedicated funding source is needed to get us to work and leisure activities and to bring Central Florida’s transit system to a place where we can thrive and compete for corporate headquarters and better paying jobs.
HOT TOPICS Info/Registration HERE
Join us for our second webinar to learn how LWVOC will take our voter outreach efforts to the next level with media training!
Sign-Up for Grassroots University!

Upcoming Events


Hot Topics: Transportation Tax-Will a Penny Here Help to Get You There?

11:30 AM  Luncheon/Program
Location:  Winter Park Events Center
Hear from county leaders/experts
Members $30   Non-Member $35


LWVOC Co-President Chat

6:30 PM  Enjoy an after-dinner chat with our Co-Presidents Barbara Lanning/Nicolette Springer to get caught up on LWVOC news.

Members Only


Grassroots University Webinar

6:30 PM  Join us to learn how LWVOC will take voter outreach to the next level though media training.
Members Only


Committee Chair and Leadership development series

12:00 PM  Join Jennifer, Melissa, and our Committee Chairs for a discussion regarding the League's communications strategy and essential League procedures. 
Members Only

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What’s Happening?

 LWV of Florida News
SEPT 12, President Cecile Scoon will take part in an important discussion "Voter Suppression: A Cancer in our Body Politic" with Michael Waldman, President of the Brennen Center, moderated by E.J. Dionne.  RSVP Here/More Info
Event Recaps
Yesterday, the League was at the Equal Ground and Florida Rising Fair Districting Meeting registering voters. As Shaniqua posted on Instagram, "We have ALOT of work to do to Get Out The Vote for the generation election in November!!!"
Shown below L-R: Carolyn Ragans, Kitty Woodley, Shaniqua Rose, Sue Gilman, Barbara Lanning, and Susan Fritsche
Mark your calendar for the next new member Orientation.
Remember to log into your League profile and then register here6:00 pm FALL LEAGUE SHOWCASE and New Member Orientation - 10/6/2022