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Date: 9/15/2022
Subject: LWVOC Newsletter & Events
From: Lisa K Adkins

  • Today begins National Hispanic Heritage Month and from the White House's Proclamation, "it reminds us that the American identity is a fabric of diverse traditions and stories woven together."
  • We are also recognizing Disability Voting Rights Week Sept 12-16.  Yesterday, the Orange County SOE hosted an ExpressVote demonstration; this system allows voters with disabilities or impairments to vote privately. Shown below right: Supervisor of Elections Bill Cowles and Leaguer Cassandra McAdams

Upcoming Events

SEPT 15, Tonight

LWVOC Co-President Chat

6:30 PM  Enjoy an after-dinner chat with our Co-Presidents Barbara Lanning/Nicolette Springer to get caught up on LWVOC news.

Members Only


Grassroots University Webinar

6:30 PM  Join us to learn how LWVOC will take voter outreach to the next level though media training.
Members Only


National Voter Registration Day

Encourage your friends, family, and colleagues to register to vote.  Check your own voter status, poll location changes, upcoming elections, etc.


Committee Chair and Leadership development series

12:00 PM  Join Jennifer, Melissa, and our Committee Chairs for a discussion regarding the League's communications strategy and essential League procedures. 
Members Only

LWVOC Volunteer Icon LWVOC Donate Icon LWVOC Vote Icon 

What’s Happening?

LWVOC, a supporter of "Move Orange County Forward"
Along with many other local groups, the LWVOC urges support of the Orange County Transportation Sales Tax Referendum
Learn more about this group and get involved: Move Orange County Forward
Shown belowOrange County Mayor Jerry L. Demings, Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer, and local business, elected, community and labor leaders gathered to kick off the "Move Orange County Forward" campaign to support the transportation sales tax initiative. Can you spot the Leaguers? 
"Looking at the list of League of Women Voters issues and projects that Michele Levy has been involved with, it’s apparent we’re talking about the greatest hits of the 21st Century – fair districts, felons’ voting rights, open primaries, among them."
Read full article HERE. Dean Johnson highlights some of Michele's MANY League accomplishments in an ongoing effort to focus on the "Warriors of Democracy" that make up the LWVOC.
Event Recaps
Yesterday's HOT TOPICS on the upcoming Orange County Transportation Tax Referendum was a resounding success.  Much appreciation to the HT team who works hard to pull together our keystone event month after month.  Support from the Transportation Committee was invaluable to organize the program and secure panelists.  Make plans to attend next month's program, OCT 12, Hot Topics - 21st Century ERA: The Path to Full Citizenship for Women.
Photos below courtesy Carol Wonsavage:  Shown L-R Top: Luis Nieves-Ruiz, Theo Webster, Gloria Pickar, Austin Valle; L-R Bottom: Barbara Lanning, Mayor Jerry Demings, Gloria Pickar, Austin Valle, Gaby Ortigoni, Sue Gilman
Barbara Liston reviews Hot Topics: Transportation Tax

"The tax is expected to bring in $600 million a year, with 45% of the total earmarked for adding buses to the LYNX fleet, expanding SunRail train service and improving other forms of mass transit."

Look for an upcoming video of event on our YouTube Channel.
JOIN THE FUN!  Become a volunteer with the Voter Services Committee.
Shown left:  Susan Sussman, Anne Packman, Summer Ellis at "Moon over Avalon" event
There are opportunities to register voters, help with administrative needs, or become a poll worker at the upcoming election!  Or find more:
Welcome to LWVOC New Members!
Patricia Goodwin – Ida B. Wells Member
Donald Goodwin – Ida B. Wells Member
Alexandria Evangelista
Thomas Bennett
Paul Creighton
Stella Morris
Sophia Foster
Martha Seneff
Jean Yglesias – Ida B. Wells Member
Tony Macchia – Ida B. Wells Member
Patricia Martorana
Karen Allen Harrison
Mark your calendar for upcoming community event and the next new member Orientation.
The 20th annual Global Peace Film Festival runs from September 20 - 25 with screenings in the Winter Park Library and at Rollins College.  The GPFF uses films as a catalyst to inspire and educate people to initiate positive change in their local communities and worldwide. As former LWVOC President Charley Williams has said, “The GPFF is like a week of Hot Topics.”
Highlights include “American River” about the Passaic River in New Jersey; “The Big Payback” about the tax-funded reparations bill in Evanston, IL; “My So-Called Selfish Life” about women’s bodily autonomy; and “Anonymous Sister” about the ravages of opioid addiction.
Information at The week of local screenings is followed by a week of virtual screenings from Sept. 26 - Oct. 2.
Remember to log into your League profile and then register here6:00 pm FALL LEAGUE SHOWCASE and New Member Orientation - 10/6/2022