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Date: 5/18/2023
Subject: LWVOC Newsletter & Events for Members
From: Lisa K Adkins

Words. Their power is unmatched for defending democracy. 
"We hold these truths to be self-evident (obvious), that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable (cannot be taken away) Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
And yet, in pursuing the belief that accessibility to these rights, inclusion for all to believe in these truths, having equity by simply existing within the diversity of our population, our Florida state government finds it unimportant to educate the masses about these words....  Diversity-Equity-Inclusion-Accessibility,  Our DEIA Committee is here to educate, celebrate, and support ALL.
This month, DEIA reminds us of the celebration of AAPI Heritage Month
Today, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders are the fastest growing racial group in the United States. AAPI Heritage Month celebrates the unique journey of all AAPI immigrants and citizens in the United States and their unique life experiences, traditions and cultures. 
Inspiration for the future comes from the fortitude of our past.
Jeannine Walsh celebrated her 90th birthday May 16, the latest milestone for the LWVOC’s senior living lifetime member.

Jeannine joined the League of Women Voters on March 1, 1961, in Connecticut. She began her League service in the turbulent 1960s, when some were challenging the system and the League was trying to reform it.
Continue Ann Patton's article HERE.
!!ALERT!!  We are in need of more volunteers who are willing to open their homes for visiting Leaguers arriving in Orlando JUNE 2-4 for the state convention.  If you are interested in being a "convention host," please email Deborah Coffy 
It's LWVFL Convention time JUNE 2-4 and it's in Orlando! Register HERE LWVOC has made available a $250 reimbursement for League members who sign up for the conference, are voting delegates, and submit a 1 page report following the conference.
If you have already signed up for the convention and would like to be a delegate, please contact Deborah CoffyProject Coordinator of LWVOC, to register as a convention voting delegate before May 31st!
Also, LWVFL Scholarships are available on a case-by-case basis; contact their office for details at
UCF Graduates
Renee Mack
Emily Mayhuasca
Know a League graduate (university or HS) that we missed?
Notify us so we can extend our congratulations to them as well.
And remember, students enjoy FREE membership so encourage those in your life to Join HERE.
Upcoming Events
MAY 24, 7:30PM
The DEIA Committee is inviting Leaguers to join them for the BroadGAY Spectacular: On Tour concert by the Orlando Gay Chorus at Dr. Phillips Steinmetz Hall on Wednesday, May 24 at 7:30.  Contact Joan Erwin (  soon if you want to take advantage of her block of tickets for $20/seat, or purchase your own for $15-$40. The monthly DEIA meeting is rescheduled for 7:00 on Wednesday, May 31 at 7:00. 
JUNE 2-4, LWVFL State Convention
Members Only Event
Orlando, FL
Give Me Shelter
Innovative Solutions to our Housing Crisis
LWVOC Volunteer Icon LWVOC Donate Icon LWVOC Vote Icon 

Dear LWVOC Members and Supporters,

The Hot Topics Committee and I urge you to attend our Hot Topics June 14, “Give Me Shelter: Innovative Solutions to Our Housing Crisis.”  This is a HOT TOPIC that we read about in the Orlando Sentinel and local blogs, listen to on radio and TV.  In fact, at our Hot Topics Mayors Forum in April it was identified as one of our most important issues. And the subject of housing for a Hot Topics discussion has been requested by you, our members and supporters. We have assembled a terrific panel representing examples of not just what is possible but is actually happening right here in our community! Please join us, Wednesday, June 14; register at, and of course, bring a friend, your neighbor, a colleague and have them RSVP, too!

In League,

Susan Windmiller, Hot Topics Chair

What's Happening?

The LWVOC and LWVFL support an amendment to limit government interference with abortion.  A coalition entitled “Floridians Protecting Freedom” has launched a citizen-led ballot initiative campaign to give women the right to seek abortions up to viability. Florida voters want women to have the chance to ensure that their personal medical decisions are theirs and theirs alone to make. The League of Women Voters of Florida Board of Directors has voted to support this citizen initiative effort.

Print the petition!
*Please note that signing the petition is not an indication of your support or opposition to abortion access.  The petition is a formality of getting the language on the ballot and enabling Floridians to decide at the ballot box what we want for our state."
*Leaguers shown below at this year's Reproductive Rights Rally
Event Recaps
We appreciate LWVOC donors!  The Fund Development Committee recently held an appreciation event for donors at the home of Leaguers Sue and Steve Foreman (we appreciate their hospitality, too!)  Celebrating a year of giving, Committee Chair Lee Rambeau Kemp and her team look forward to more events supporting the League of Women Voters Orange County.  Photography by Carol Wonsavage
Shown above L-R: Tiffany Hughes, Ken and Cindy LaRoe, Sue and Steve Foreman, Lee Kemp, Susan Windmiller--Shown below L-R: Johanna Proctor, Tamra Boone, Anjali Vaya, gathering of guests View Photo Album  
Nancy Decker
Marilou Hall
Daris Laycock
LaVonda Wilder
La-Zondra Randolph
Elizabeth Preston Hughes
Mary Hardy
Carol Hendren
Anjali Vaya
Johanna Vargas-Scott
Marilyn Baldwin, a generous donation to LWVOC Fund
Donald Weiss, a generous donation to LWVOC Fund
Virginia M. Meany, a generous donation to LWVOC Fund "In honor" of Marilyn Baldwin
Vicky Barker, a generous donation to LWVOC Fund
Climate First Bank is our Platinum Sponsor. The bank will be supporting LWVOC Hot Topics events for 2023. Climate First Bank is the world's first FDIC-insured community bank founded to combat the climate crisis. Climate First Bank offers a complete, full-service portfolio of simple and easy-to-use traditional banking products designed to do good for people and the planet.  Please follow this link to learn more:
LWVFL has endorsed the Right to Clean Water! In support of establishing our basic right to clean and healthy water, our League has committed to helping get this citizen initiative on the 2024 ballot. The goal is to collect 90,000 signed petitions in Orange County.
Please visit our Volunteer Page and make a plan to spend some time outside this weekend or later this month collecting signatures. Petitions, clipboards & literature will be provided for this popular cause at event sites.