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Date: 5/25/2023
Subject: LWVOC Newsletter & Events for Members
From: Lisa K Adkins

This Memorial Day weekend, as we honor U.S. military personnel who died while serving, consider participating in a time honored tradition of voicing your opinion with your signature.  Petitions have been integral to US history since 1776 when the Declaration of Independence cited King George's failure to redress the grievances listed in colonial petitions.  The LWVFL and LWVOC are in support of the following petitions:
  •  An amendment to limit government interference with abortion-- The coalition "Floridians Protecting Freedom" has launched a citizen-led ballot initiative campaign to give women the right to seek abortions up to viability.  Learn how to become a Reproductive Freedom volunteer here.
  • The Right to Clean Water! In support of establishing our basic right to clean and healthy water, LWVOC has committed to helping get the citizen initiative on the 2024 ballot.  
!!ALERT!!  We are in need of more volunteers who are willing to open their homes for visiting Leaguers arriving in Orlando JUNE 2-4 for the state convention.  If you are interested in being a "convention host," email Deborah Coffy 
It's LWVFL Convention time JUNE 2-4 and it's in Orlando! Register HERE LWVOC has made available a $250 reimbursement for League members who sign up for the conference, are voting delegates, and submit a 1 page report following the conference.
If you have already signed up for the convention and would like to be a delegate, please contact Deborah CoffyProject Coordinator of LWVOC
Also, LWVFL Scholarships are available on a case-by-case basis; contact their office for details at
Upcoming Events
JUNE 2-4, LWVFL State Convention
Members Only Event
Orlando, FL
Give Me Shelter
Innovative Solutions to our Housing Crisis
*Hot Topics is "on vacation" in July, so take advantage of the June event!

Register HERE for June 14 Hot Topics

Innovative solutions are literally changing the landscape of accessible housing for all.  We have assembled an outstanding panel representing examples of not just what is possible but is actually happening right here in our community! Please join us, Wednesday, June 14 and of course, bring a friend, your neighbor, a colleague and have them RSVP, too!
Beth Kassab, Editor, Winter Park Voice and formerly, Orlando Sentinel
Terry Prather, Advisor, Lift Orlando (former CEO/Sea World and participant on Orange County Housing Task Force)
Ryan Von Weller, COO, Wendover Housing Partners selected by Universal for Catchlight Crossings community
Mitchell Glasser, Manager/Housing, Orange County
LWVOC Volunteer Icon LWVOC Donate Icon LWVOC Vote Icon 

What's Happening?
Floridians for National Popular Vote
Cordially invite you to attend our in-person meeting!
Thursday, June 1, 2023 @ 2:30PM - 6:00 pm
NPV Training & Strategy Session: starting with a recap of NPV activities in Florida and nationally, then share your feedback and we’ll unveil our Florida and National plans for 2023-2024. Guest appearance by Eileen Reavey, Grassroots Coordinator from the National Popular Vote founding organization.
Doubletree by Hilton Downtown Orlando/ Brevard Room / Third Floor


Event Recaps
Keep up-to-date with LWVOC activities.  Click on the social media icons at the top right of this email for easy links.
Watch our Hot Topics programs on our YouTube Channel
If you've missed any of these weekly newsletters, visit Newsletters/Emails
We  keep copies of our News / Articles that appear on our Home page.
Amber Steed
Cheryl Rogers
November Hninn
Aranza Perez Najul
Jean Blauvelt
Who's missing here?  It could be you!  $upport LWVOC.
Congratulations League graduates!
Tanner Nguyen
Know a League graduate (university or HS) that we missed?
Notify us so we can extend our congratulations to them as well.
And remember, students enjoy FREE membership so encourage those in your life to Join HERE.
Climate First Bank is our Platinum Sponsor. The bank will be supporting LWVOC Hot Topics events for 2023. Climate First Bank is the world's first FDIC-insured community bank founded to combat the climate crisis. Climate First Bank offers a complete, full-service portfolio of simple and easy-to-use traditional banking products designed to do good for people and the planet.  Please follow this link to learn more: