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Date: 6/22/2023
Subject: LWVOC Newsletter & Events for Members
From: Lisa K Adkins

LWVOC was out celebrating in the community this week for Juneteenth and stayed busy educating and registering voters.  Enjoy these snapshots of Leaguers in Action!  Shown below from event at New Covenant Baptist Church, the Stay Woke Rolling Votercade. League Volunteers were Saudi Ellis, Kathy Sheerin, Nancy Nix, Terry Osborne, Melva Bentley Ross, Tara Russakov, Melinda Wright, and Shan Rose. FL Senate D-25 Candidate and Leaguer Carmen Torres, Exec Director Leah Nash and staff, and TJI Site Coordinator Sylvia McMillon stopped by our tent. And congratulations to member Melva Bentley Ross who preregistered her first voter! Thanks to all who contributed their time and braved unpredictable weather.
At the Winter Park Juneteenth celebration, Leaguers set up their VOTE411 informational table answering questions and registering voters.  Shown below L-R: Lee Rambeau Kemp, Kitty Woodley, and right, Kitty, Nancy Nix, and Lee.  (not shown, Kay Hudson)
Upcoming Events 
JUNE 24, DEIA Drag Brunch
SAT, 11AM, $5 Entry
Hamburger Mary's, 10 W Church St.
Celebrate Pride Month with LWVOC
Last call for LWVOC members and guests to join the DEIA Committee for brunch, comedy and a drag show at Hamburger Mary's. Join the fun and support the LGBTQ+ community. We must confirm our reservation by EOD Thursday. Contact Beth Coffey at 407-625-8968 to be included
JULY 18, Virtual New Member Orientation
6:30 PM, Zoom Event
*Members, be sure you are logged into the system to register.
MINN. Passes the National Popular Vote Compact!
We are celebrating the addition of another state joining the interstate compact that guarantees the winner of the national popular vote becomes president. Just like every other elected official in the United States, each vote counts toward the total to determine the winner.
Our celebration included a workshop in Orlando prior to the League of Women Voters bi-annual conference. Pat “Rosie” Rosenstiel joined us from Minnesota where he has been advocating for the National Popular vote since 2007! He inspired us by the tenacity that it takes to get this done. Rosie also praised our Floridians for NPV grassroots movement for getting the bill filed every year. He said it was important to show legislators in Minnesota that Florida has a movement!
JUNE 24 marks a year since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.  LWVOC supports:
Abortion is still legal up to 15 weeks in Florida.  For verified help and support making any reproductive choice, 
MEMBERS:  We are interested in seeing what advisory boards you are involved in at the county or City of Orlando level to see how our League and our members can be more involved. Click HERE for a quick survey. If you have any questions or concerns, please email our project coordinator, Deborah Coffy at
VOLUNTEER NEWS:  Many of you who help with voter registration and education events utilize our Storage Center supplies.  It has MOVED effective June 12.  For more information about its location/details, visit the Voter Service Forum
LWVOC Volunteer Icon LWVOC Donate Icon LWVOC Vote Icon 

June HOT TOPICS RECAP is now available and a recording of the program can be viewed on our YouTube Channel HERE.  If you'd like to catch up on all the 2023 RECAPS, visit our Hot Topics page.
Superhero Buildings: Our Secret Weapon to Save the Planet
Buildings account for 40%+ of energy use in Florida. It is imperative that the energy use of these buildings be significantly reduced as part of the strategy to achieve a healthy planet. Reserve your space now for our next Hot Topics!
Climate First Bank is our Platinum Sponsor. The bank will be supporting LWVOC Hot Topics events for 2023. Climate First Bank is the world's first FDIC-insured community bank founded to combat the climate crisis. Climate First Bank offers a complete, full-service portfolio of simple and easy-to-use traditional banking products designed to do good for people and the planet.  Please follow this link to learn more:
Climate First representatives shown below L-R: Jeff Cowherd, Chary Gonzalez, Chris Cucci, & LWVOC 1st VP Lee Rambeau Kemp
Welcome new BRONZE Sponsors of Hot Topics, Lyn and David Berelsman.  Interested in becoming a Hot Topics sponsor?  Visit our Donation page for more information or contact
Lee Rambeau Kemp HERE   Shown below, David Berelsman and LWVOC 1st VP Lee Rambeau Kemp
Courtney Lawitzke
Allison Clark
Meredith Hein
Robyn Mallace
Ron Payne
Zoey Young
Elizabeth Hunt DiBlasio
Who's missing here?  It could be you!  $upport LWVOC.
The LWVFL and LWVOC are in support of the following petitions:
  •  An amendment to limit government interference with abortion-- The coalition "Floridians Protecting Freedom" has launched a citizen-led ballot initiative campaign to give women the right to seek abortions up to viability.  Learn how to become a Reproductive Freedom volunteer here.
  • The Right to Clean Water! In support of establishing our basic right to clean and healthy water, LWVOC has committed to helping get the citizen initiative on the 2024 ballot.