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Date: 6/6/2024
Subject: LWVOC Newsletter & Events
From: Lisa K Adkins

Big news!  Our extremely talented LWVOC Co-President Tiffany Hughes has moved on and up in her profession and has exited the presidency.  We'll share a letter from her soon but in the meantime, join us with our "congratulations and best wishes" in her new venture.  She's still a Leaguer, though, and will assuredly join us at an event soon.
Fortunately, our other "Co" has stepped up and become the sole LWVOC President.  We welcome Rev. Kathy Schmitz! Learn more about Kathy and the entire 2023-2024 Board of Directors HERE.  Kathy has already become "League news" with her feature published recently in the Orlando Sentinel.   You can find the transcript on our website: Support Families by Voting Yes on Amendment 4
Also, as time and topics permit, she'll pen her thoughts in a new series that we're introducing with this newsletter.   Do we have a title for it yet?  No, but if you have any ideas, send them along.  For now, enjoy these thoughts from our newest LWVOC President.
Tuesday morning found me sitting in the regular meeting of the Orange County Board of County Commissioners (BCC). It being the first meeting in June, and thus the  first of hurricane season, it was time for a presentation on hurricane preparedness from the good folks in the Public Works Department. You are prepared, aren’t you?

I found myself pondering the overlap of hurricane season, predicted to be above average this year, with the election season, predicted to be, well, something other than average. As a voting advocacy organization in Florida, I’m thinking we have a pretty interesting 6 months ahead of us. You are prepared, aren’t you?
It reminds me of the meme that says, They whispered to her, “You cannot withstand the storm.” She whispered back, “I am the storm.”

Monday night, I sat in on our Voter Services Committee. This is a team that is prepared! You might even say, they are the storm… a well-organized storm. In this election year, this is the group that will lead us in our flagship work to register, educate, and activate our citizens. Be sure to check the Volunteer section of the website regularly to see how you can be part of the storm!

By the way, I was at the BCC meeting with several other League members to speak to Home Rule and encourage the BCC to place the Rural Boundary issue raised by the Charter Review Commission on the November ballot. While it’s not a done deal, I’m pleased to report that they took steps in that direction. 

Yours in Service,
WHO HAS YOUR VOTE?   Next week is your opportunity to hear from 5 participating candidates.  Some issues we'll be discussing:
  • What would candidates change about the way Orange County runs its elections? What would stay the same?
  • Do all voting precincts have enough drop boxes for ballots?
  • Mail-in ballots and early voting have proven to be popular choices. Is this something candidates want to expand? How will they do that? How do candidates plan to keep elections secure?
Doors will open at 11AM for lunch service, catered by Cuisiniers.
BRING YOUR QUESTIONS for candidates!  (Hint: only Leaguers can ask questions, so Join Now if you want to take part.) Visit our Hot Topics page to read candidate bios in their own words.
 June 12 Hot Topics
Supervisor of Elections
Candidate Forum
 June 27-30, League of Women Voters Nat'l Convention
Washington Hilton, Washington D. C.
LWVOC Civic Engagement
Mark your calendars and get ready to celebrate freedom and unity at the spectacular Juneteenth Festival! On June 15th, visit Camping World Stadium for a day filled with joy, cultural richness, and community connection.
The LWVOC will be there educating voters.  Want to help?  Sign up at Orlando Juneteenth Festival
Applications are now open for the Mayor's City Academy!
Learn about city government, become an active resident and network with like-minded individuals. Students of Mayor's City Academy go on department tours and interact with city employees.
Last date to apply is JUNE 17.
Visit  Apply HERE 

 LGBTQ+ Pride Month
 As League members, we know the power of standing together and ensuring that all voices are heard. The DEIA Committee reminds League members that June is Pride Month—dedicated to celebrating the identities and contributions of the LGBTQ+ community.
Continue reading HERE for ideas on how to celebrate Pride in Orange County.

Right to Clean and Healthy Waters Amendment, seeks to empower Floridians to better hold their government accountable when it comes to Florida waters. This amendment is crucial for protecting our environment and public health.
Find out more about our Natural Resources Committee
YOU CAN HELP!  Members, be sure you're logged into the system and visit our site page for ALL the available openings.

Ellen Wolfson – Ida B. Wells Member
Wayne Wolfson – Ida B. Wells Member
Isabelle McKenzie
Anne Smith
Share this newsletter and invite your family and social circles to JOIN the League of Women Voters of Orange County!
Suzanne M. McGovern  "A generous donation to the League of Women Voters Orange County Fund"
Introducing The Giving Society as shown below. Contact Lee Rambeau Kemp at for more information.
Visit our Donor page to see the many different ways you can support the League of Women Voters of Orange County.

Why Give?  Your financial support fuels our mission to educate, empower, and advocate for informed and active voters. As we strive to build a democracy that works for everyone, your donation becomes a catalyst for positive change. Your gift supports:

Voter Empowerment: We are dedicated to providing unbiased and comprehensive information to voters. Your donation bolsters information and education initiatives, allowing voters to make more informed choices at the ballot box.

Civic Engagement Programs: Our community outreach and educational programs encourage active participation in civic life. Your support helps organize events and community forums that foster dialogue and engagement among community members.

Advocating for Democracy: The League of Women Voters of Orange County is a relentless advocate for policies that enhance democracy and protect the rights of all citizens. Your gift adds your voice as an advocate for positive change.

Accessible Elections: We work tirelessly to ensure that elections are accessible to all citizens. Your gift helps eliminate barriers to voting and promotes fair and inclusive elections.

 Ways You Can Make a Difference

One-Time Gift: A single gift has a significant impact on our programs and initiatives.

Sustaining Gift: Join our community of sustaining donors by making a monthly, quarterly or annual commitment to support our goal for a vibrant democracy.

Corporate  or Individual Sponsorship: Partner with us to promote social responsibility and contribute to the betterment of our community.

Sponsors are vital to our work to empower voters by providing timely information for the benefit of non-partisan civic engagement in our community.

To further explore how becoming a Hot Topics Sponsor can align with your business goals, please contact LWVOC Vice President, Lee Rambeau Kemp HERE

A range of sponsorship levels are available.

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