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Speak up for a Strong Orange County Urban Fertilizer Ordinance

Published on 2/3/2022

The ordinances adopted in 2010 and 2017 exempted certified fertilizer applicators, making the ordinance impossible to enforce and therefore ineffective. Now Orange County is poised to pass a strict, no exemption, rainy season ban on urban fertilizer following the lead of our neighbors, not only in Seminole, Volusia, Brevard, and Lake counties but over a dozen other counties and well over 100 cities all over Florida.


Some of the highlights of the Environmental Protection Division’s current 1/14/22 draft ordinance include: 

  • A strict, no exemption, rainy season application ban on urban fertilizer containing Nitrogen and Phosphorus from June 1st through September 30th 

  • An annual Nitrogen application limit of 3 pounds per 1,000 square feet  A minimum slow-release Nitrogen content requirement of 65%

  • A year-round fertilizer-free zone of 25 feet from any adjacent surface waters and wetlands. 


Since 2007, local governments across the state have proven that strong, no-exemption, rainy season Nitrogen and Phosphorous application bans aid in improving both water quality and turf health. 


The exemption practices of the last 11 years saddled Orange County with an ordinance that failed to take urban fertilizer pollution seriously. Now is the time to right the past wrongs and pass a fertilizer ordinance that will prevent excessive runoff that pollutes our springs, rivers, and lakes.  


Be sure to join in on the fun to hold the Orange County Board accountable for protecting our waters! You can add your voice in two ways:


  1. Before Tuesday, write to the County Commissioners to show your support for a strict, no exemption, rainy season application ban! Please encourage others to do the same. Find your commissioner and their contact information here. Or contact them all:,,,,,,


  1. On Tuesday, at the hearing, we will have colorful stickers to wear and “I support a strong UFO” mini-posters to make our support clear (so you don’t even have to give public comments to make yourself heard).  The afternoon session hearing begins at 2 PM.  Don’t forget to pre-register if you want to appear before the board and if you are able, please arrive an hour early to get a good seat.

  • As of June 1st, there is no longer virtual participation for board meetings requiring in-person participation for public comment, presentations, and public testimony.

  • Meeting location and address: 201 S Rosalind Ave Orlando, FL 32801 (County Commission Chambers, First Floor of the County Administration Center)

You can review the agenda packet here when it is available online.  

Share this information with your family, friends, and neighbors! Here is a shareable Facebook event!

Thank you to all who have already joined the effort to show widespread public support for a strict, no exemption, rainy season ban on urban fertilizer to help reduce nutrient pollution to Orange County’s springs, rivers, and lakes!