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Year End Gift Giving

Fund Development | Published on 12/14/2022
We want to thank you for giving your support to help LWVOC achieve exceptional advocacy results in 2022. Anna Alvarez Boyd was one the Orange County Leaguers who volunteered through the Adopt-A-Precinct Program to ensure voters in Orange County had a seamless experience at the polls. While the aftermath of Hurricane Ian created some challenging circumstances at Precinct #633, she found the experience to be priceless. The story below was one of many she said she drew inspiration from:
No one is going to tell me I can’t vote!
“Marie had taken three buses and made a stop at the wrong precinct before arriving at our site. Her first words to me were, “No one is going to tell me I can’t vote!” Marie’s declaration resounded with the team and other voters. A cheer went up for her as we checked her in and gave her a ballot. I wondered in that moment how many other people across America were showing up with the same gritty determination to cast their vote.”
Marie and so many like her are the reason LWVOC members spend countless hours defending the right
to have a voice in our government.

Your support made a difference in the lives of so many citizens in the 2022 election cycle.
  • We protect elections. 140 League volunteers donated over 2,000 hours to organize, staff, and feed poll workers at 6 precincts for both elections this fall.
  • We educate voters.  The LWVOC is a trusted source for voter information.  Community-based voter registration and education drives, local candidate forums, Hot Topics events, and our guide are examples of how we provide voters with the necessary tools to participate in our democracy.
  • We protect the environment.  We worked with local governments to divert 30,000 campaign yard signs (10 tons) from the landfill! We also successfully championed homeowners' rights to get fair credit for the energy they produce from their rooftop solar systems.

There is still much to be done. Our grassroots work powered by volunteers like you is more important than ever to make the voter experience a better one for Marie and so many others.

Your gift can have twice the impact! Act now and your gift can go twice as far.
 LWVOC is participating in a FACEBOOK FUNDRAISER with a matching gift program made possible through Meta. If you become a recurring donor on Facebook by no later than December 31, Meta will match your second donation in January up to $100.

You may also simply give now or mail a contribution directly to LWVOC by clicking the link below.
Our deepest thanks for your support.
Happy Holidays,
Barbara Lanning and Nicolette Springer
LWVOC Co-Presidents
*P.S. If you've already made your year-end-gift, thank you for your generosity to the League!