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News 6 Interviews LWVOC President

Published on 2/6/2024

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Tiffany Hughes is President of the League of Women Voters of Orange County. She and her organization have been working now to get voting results, including reaching people where they are.

“In this upcoming election, we want to make sure that we are increasing the number of people who are getting to the ballot box‚” said Hughes. “We’ve begun hosting what we call our “Speakeasies.” It usually happens at a tavern or a bar or a restaurant, in order to encourage our young professionals to get involved, get engaged, get registered.”

From parades to regular events at taverns and restaurants, Hughes said the group’s recent focus has been engaging younger voters and people in minority communities who she said may tend not to vote. They also work alongside organizations at UCF and Rollins College to try and register voters.

“How do we translate that energy and passion to voting and change, so working with Rollins and UCF has been amazing. I love supporting those groups,” said Hughes.