Name Tags
Every new member receives a welcome card with their LWVOC name tag, shortly after joining. When you joined, you were asked if you would prefer a nickname on your tag and if you entered a nickname, that will be on your name tag. Please contact Membership if you have not received a nametag withing a month of joining.
Student Members
We do not send name tags to student members whose membership is free. Because our student members move more often than our other members, there is a high rate of return for them. If you are a student member and would like a name tag, contact membership.
Replacement Name Tags
The costs associated with the purchase and mailing of the first name tag is covered by your membership dues. Should you lose your name tag and need a replacement, contact Membership and we will replace it for a cost $10. The replacement will be mailed to you and the $10 charge put on your account so you can login to the lwvoc.org website and pay.
Replacement Name Tag Backs
If you lose one or both of the backs on your name tag, we have extras. We have both the glue-on backs and magnetic backs. We usually have them at Hot Topics and other events or it can be mailed to you. Contact lwvocmembership@gmail.com if you need a replacement.