Membership Growth And Visibility
1. Continue to develop projects and activities that increase membership and member participation.
2. Increase League visibility by continuing to improve communication and outreach through our website, social media, and news posts.
3. Continue to ensure our leadership and membership reflect the rich diversity of our community.
Organizational Capacity
1. Support the LWVOC Leadership Development Initiatives to define new ways to engage younger voters and to develop member skills to become future League and community leaders.
2. Build LWVOC’s capacity as a nonprofit organization by identifying and budgeting key staffing support necessary to develop and strengthen the organization
3. Continue to support the growing needs as a community organization by pursuing new and existing funding sources to support its work.
Outreach And Education
1. Educate and raise public awareness on League issues.
2. Expand our network of community partners and collaborators to strengthen voter engagement, education, and advocacy initiatives.
3. Expand outreach to engage and support younger voters.
Membership Growth And Visibility
1. Participate in state and national training, programs, and advocacy efforts.
2. Support the positions adopted by the League of Women Voters of Florida and the League of Women Voters of the United States.