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Government Committee


Meetings take place the 3rd Thursday of the month at 11:30 AM


Contact Chairwoman Karolyn Campbell for information on how to join, attend the meetings and participate as a committee member.

"The basis of our political system is the right of the people to make and alter their constitutions of government."

~George Washington

We research best practices and advocate for government improvements and government in the sunshine. Our discussions are about political issues that affect central Florida; these lead to studies and recommended action on the selected issues.

We manage Observer Corps and attend government meetings, reporting back to the membership. Also, we support advocacy efforts that include meeting with lawmakers as well as developing League positions on issues ranging from election laws to finance and taxation.

Learn more about our Observer Corps volunteer opportunities.

One of the important functions of the LWVOC is sending observers to monitor local governments around Orange County and report on what they are doing.

These reports are invaluable, giving us a clear view how local governments are dealing with issues important to us, such as climate change, juvenile justice, underrepresented voters, and recovery form the COVID-19 pandemic. Observers help keep our finger on the pulse of Orange County's governments and determine when it's time for us to take action and speak out on issues.

Members of LWVOC committees are encouraged to use the wealth of information available in our observers' reports. They help you understand more about local government actions that have direct impact on the key issues and priorities of your committees. (Details are below on how to access these reports.)

The Government Committee can always use a few more observers to attend meetings, take notes and write reports. Most positions require just a few hours (generally two meetings) each month. You'll get a closer look at government in action and learn about issues facing your community. Click HERE to fill out an Observer Corps Volunteer form.

For more information, contact Susan Adams, Observer Corps Coordinator, at

 To view committee documents (some are for members only) click below to visit:

Document Library (Remember to click the YELLOW folder icons for Advocacy and then, Government Committee to see documents)

Government Committee

Program Goals/Priorities for FY 2021-2022

  1. We believe in open, accountable, and transparent government at city and county levels.
  2. We endorse strong home rule.
  3. We advocate for the voters of Orange County to choose the type and structure of local government suitable to meet local needs.
  4. We advocate for adequate financial means to maintain county and city government and services.
  5. We believe in cooperative action with other governmental bodies in areas involving regional programs and planning.
  6. We support improvement in government services, including integration of municipal and county services.

The GOV Committee moderates debates.