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HomeVoter Services

It's an election year and your help is needed.  JOIN US to help empower voters and keep elections accessible for all.  Our goal is to have every member certified to register voters.  Info below. #Votes4All



Voter Services Committee

Meetings are held virtually on the 1st Monday of the month until further notice.


Contact chairpersons Kathy Sheerin or  Gina Hall for information on how

to join the group, log into the meetings and participate.


"Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting." Franklin D. Roosevelt


  1. Conduct targeted voter registration events in communities
  2. Host “Get Out the Vote” events throughout the area
  3. Educate people on the importance of voting
  4. Promote Vote411 as a non-partisan source of information

Committee GOALS
--Ensure that everyone has access and the ability to vote, educate our community on the importance of voting, and support



Voter Services is Committed to Empowering Voters


  • VSC Hosts Voter Registration Activities & Events


  • VSC Provides Ballot Amendment Information


  • VSC Facilitates Get Out the Vote Events



VSC can attend YOUR organization's SPECIAL EVENT to register voters.

Complete this Request for Voter Registration Event to learn more.

Voters Services Outreach

Voter Services Committee Sub-Committees 

  • Targeted Outreach Team
  • Voter Services
  • Speaker's Bureau
  • High School Outreach
  • Post-Secondary Outreach
  • Adopt-a-Precinct
  • Vote 411 Resources and Information
  • Storage Unit-Supply Depot Maintenance

Step Up & Take Action in 2024! Get Involved with Voter Registration Volunteer Opportunities


Volunteers are the heart and soul of any volunteer organization. Volunteer opportunities range from serving in long-term roles to helping out at a single event. 


2024 is an important election year, so we need your help to STEP UP & TAKE ACTION in 2024 and help us achieve our goals and make meaningful impact in the community!





VOTE411 is a League of Women Voter’s owned website that is committed to provide voters with “one-stop-shop” non-partisan information for both general and state-specific elections.

  • Getting voter registration information and checking Voter Status
  • Finding your Supervisor of Elections (for sample ballots, polling locations and more)
  • Key election and registration dates
  • Your three options for voting in Florida