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Rejected Medicaid Expansion: The True Cost for Florida

Published on 4/30/2019
It is confusing but the data shows a clear pattern...the rejection of Medicaid expansion in Florida has (and will continue to be) very costly.  Learn with us at the next Hot Topics; register below.

11:30 HOT TOPICS, The True Cost of Rejected Medicaid Funds - 5/8/2019

And to prep for the discussion, some resources below:

Hospitals Uncompensated Care Bills:
Did you know that our big 3 local hospitals spent nearly $413,000,000 on Medicaid and other means tested Program Shortfalls between 2017 & 2018? 
In addition the 3 spent a total of $306.7M on Charity Care in the same periods.
Sources:  Latest Reports to the Community 

Nemours Report To The Community 2017

Orlando Regional Report To The Community 2017

Adventist Health Report To The Community 2018 


The Effects of Medicaid Expansion under the ACA: Updated Findings from a Literature Review  

Research shows that Medicaid expansions result in reductions in uninsured hospital or other provider visits and uncompensated care costs, whereas providers in non-expansion states have experienced little or no decline in uninsured visits and uncompensated care. One study suggested that Medicaid expansion cut every dollar that a hospital in an expansion state spent on uncompensated care by 41 cents between 2013 and 2015, corresponding to a reduction in uncompensated care costs across all expansion states of $6.2 billion over that period.



Studies find that Medicaid expansion has had positive or neutral effects on employment and the labor market. State-specific studies have documented or predicted significant job growth resulting from expansion. A study in Colorado found that the state supports 31,074 additional jobs due to Medicaid expansion as of FY 2015-2016, and a study in Kentucky estimated that expansion would create over 40,000 jobs in the state through SFY 2021 with an average salary of $41,000.3 

One study showed that adults with disabilities living in expansion states are significantly more likely to be employed and less likely to be unemployed due to disability compared to adults with disabilities in non-expansion states.

One study found an association between Medicaid expansion and volunteer work (both formal volunteering for organizations and informally helping a neighbor), with significant increases in volunteer work

occurring among low-income individuals in expansion states in the post-expansion period (through 2015) but no corresponding increase in non-expansion states. The researchers connect this finding to previous literature showing an association between improvements in individual health and household financial stabilization and an increased likelihood of volunteering.