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Sponsor a Student for Hot Topics Attendance

Barbara Lanning | Published on 2/5/2020

Screen Shot 2020-02-04 at 2.55.20 PM.pngSPONSOR A STUDENTScreen Shot 2020-02-04 at 2.55.20 PM.png

Find yourself wishing you would love to share your Hot Topics experience with a student, but don't know any that you could invite?   
Starting in February members will be able to sponsor a student guest at any Hot Topics! 
The process is simple-just register and add the guest as you would any guest by choosing Sponsor a student:

Screen Shot 2020-02-04 at 2.55.20 PM.pngWhen asked to fill in your guest's name simply write student guest and your email address:  

The League will take care of invitations and all arrangements for the student's participation for you. All student guests will be invited to take advantage of the free student registration.  In return, you will receive the satisfaction of knowing you are helping to assure the League's continued growth into the future and the infusion of new and exciting ideas from a new generation of voter activists. 

Still have questions?  Contact our Hot Topics check-in team