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Skin on the Rope

Valada Flewellyn | Published on 6/6/2020


"In these challenging times I am hopeful that this poem, Skin on the Rope, will highlight the individual responsibility we ALL share to  curb this bias.

Our Alliance for Truth and Justice (ATJ) member Valada Flewellyn is the poem’s author.

She reads it as a short 2 min video on our website."
~Charley Williams, former Co-President, LWVOC

Visit and learn more about ATJ and the upcoming exhibition at the Orange County Regional History Center of the 100th year anniversary of what has been termed "the bloodiest day in American political history."

Skin On The Rope

by Valada Flewellyn written January 28, 2020  


We all have skin on the rope

Whether a neck on the rope

Or a hand on the rope

We all have skin on the rope

The pain of that connection

Grips us, entangles us


Compels us to examine

Our history, then construct

Tomorrow to manifest the 

Wounds that need

More than a band-aid


Wounds that warrant more

Than a cursory examination

We must dissect the

Fibers of our history

Inspect our suspect

Moral Consciousness


Which allows sin to fester

As we turn our heads 

Away from the atrocities

That grab our children

Drowning them in the muck

Of our making


Leaving them unprepared

Unprotected but infected

Generation after generation

From our refusal to acknowledge


How we have Failed 

Our children…All 


We ALL have skin on the rope.