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AUG 26 5:00 PM, Zoom Celebration/Women's Equality Day

Published on 8/18/2020
Register HERE for 5-6:00 PM Women's Equality Day Zoom Party - 8/26/2020

Women’s Suffrage Happy Hour


      - Let’s Celebrate, Let’s Zoom !


5-6 p.m. Wednesday, August 26, 2020  - free!



Let’s come together and drink a toast

(via Zoom, of course)

to women’s suffrage,

to our foremothers’ hard fight to win our right to vote,

to our own good work for Votes for All,

and to our precious right to vote.


We’ve earned a fun Happy Hour -- with wine, women, stories, trivia, and more!  The irrepressible Jill Shargaa, our brilliant graphic designer and a professional comedian, will be our emcee.


August 26 is the 100th anniversary of the day when the 19th Amendment was officially added to the United States Constitution. It’s Women’s Equality Day.


And it’s the pinnacle of our three years’ work to harness our history and use it to empower voters and defend democracy.


As we hard-charge toward the all-important November 3 general election,

our August 26 Happy Hour gives us a moment to pause and enjoy.


All brought to you

by the LWVOC’s History Committee.

There’s no charge, of course, and all are welcome,

but please do r.s.v.p for the zoom link.

We’re hoping to broadcast on Facebook LIVE too, at