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USPS Crisis/Restoring Confidence

Staff | Published on 8/19/2020

The League of Women Voters of the U.S., Florida, and Orange County view the purposeful slowdown in the United States Postal Service as another tool in the toolbox of voter suppression. The League opposes voter suppression in all forms. Withholding needed funding, cutting hours of operation, and eliminating equipment creates chaos and places undue burdens on the timely delivery and return of by-mail balloting at a time when the nation is griped by COVID-19 and expects the highest participation in by-mail voting in history.  No person should have to choose between health and safety and exercising their constitutional right to vote in the worst pandemic in a century. Threats to the right to vote aren’t all. Slowdowns in the US mail mean some people cannot get medicines on time, paychecks are held up, and bill payments are late plus a myriad of other unfulfilled needs the post office handles. While we are pleased changes announced by the Postmaster General this week will temporarily cease, questions remain on how to make USPS whole again, including restoring deficiencies these decisions caused in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, just weeks before a national election.

Our message must be clear: VOTE EARLY. Request and return your by-mail ballots EARLY or drive by and drop off your ballot EARLY at early voting locations. If you choose to vote in person, do so EARLY at an early-voting location.