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Rationale for LWVFL Amendment 3 Position

Published on 12/17/2020

Rationale for LWVFL Amendment 3 Position

Some of you have asked why LWVFL reversed positions to oppose FL Constitutional Amendment 3. In case you missed these earlier LWVFL notices, the following hyperlinks provide clarifying information.

1.      LWVFL All Member Notice on Change of Position August 31, 2020

2.       LWVFL Follow-up Notice to Local Leaders with More Rationale September 4, 2020

3.       Statement on LWVFL Website for Public and Members September 4, 2020

4.       LWVFL All Members Call Notice. October 7, 2020

5.       LWVFL All Member Call Recording October 8, 2020

6.       Orlando Sentinel Guest Column. November 14, 2020

7.       LWVUS Statement of Support for LWVFL.

 “We are proud of the Florida League for engaging on this issue with partner organizations that represent voters of color, as well as listening to members of color within our own organization. The League of Women Voters has a strong commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the policies we support. Sometimes leaders have to make difficult decisions to ensure that they serve voters fairly and effectively. The League of Women Voters of Florida’s decision is what true leadership looks like.” -- Dr. Deborah Turner, LWVUS President and LWVUS EF Board Chair

November 16, 2020


8.       LWVFL Local Leaders Call Recording with Allison Riggs, Southern Coalition for Social Justice. November 19, 2020