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DEI Committee First Anniversary

Published on 9/23/2021
The DEI Committee is nearing its first anniversary! Currently, co chaired by Marilyn Baldwin and Virginia Meany, the DEI Committee is working on a number of priorities. We want to ensure our League is well informed about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: understanding key terms, trends, history and events and identifying barriers to increasing the diversity of our membership. We will act as a resource to Committees in applying a DEI lens to their work. We publicize events and training and are working with the Peace and Justice Institute at Valencia College to develop workshop training for our members about identities, biases and privileges and to create a vision for an inclusive and welcoming League.

We also work on our continuous learning and attend  DEI themed webinars and trainings. Here are two that are worth our attention (and yours).

LWVUS DEI Monthly Webinar (4th Thursday of the month).All LWV members are invited to attend. You may sign up here:

DEI Dialogue: Implicit Bias sponsored by the AAUW FL Division on Sat Oct 9 at 10am

We are considering a book/podcast/article discussion group. Stay tuned for an announcement seeking your input and suggestions.

Finally, we welcome new members and any insights, questions and thoughts you wish to share. Please contact either Marilyn Baldwin or Virginia Meany. We would love to hear from you.