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UCF Air Quality Study

Published on 10/21/2021



The LWVOC Natural Resource Committee has been working to spread the word on a

UCF Air Quality Study in which local residents can participate by hosting a small outdoor air

sensor and/or participate in training sessions on how to interpret air quality data and how

to advocate on air issues.   Several League members are hosting air quality monitors.

See photo of Rachel Deming, LWVOC member, with a monitor installed at her home.

Kelly Stevens, UCF researcher, writes…


“We are still recruiting households to host an air-quality sensor, especially in areas west and southeast of downtown Orlando (District 2 - Tony Ortiz, District 5 - Regina Hill, & District 6 - Bakari Burns), shaded in pink in the map below. Our sensors are small in size and solar-powered and measure fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and carbon dioxide (CO2). We anticipate that sensors will be up for about a year and a half, possibly longer if desired. In order to host a sensor, we need clear locations, such as a fencepost, tall palm trees, or other posts. We can also install our own pole if needed.

In addition to providing a denser network of air quality information, we will provide virtual training on air quality data and interpretation, sensor technologies, and data-driven citizen advocacy. We are interested in evaluating how increased information and training impacts trust in government. This information is beneficial to future studies that involve citizen scientists, especially as lower-cost environmental monitoring devices are increasingly used in local governance decisions.


In order to join our project, please send us an email at More information is also available on our project website: