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"Warriors" book is on the move

Ann Patton | Published on 3/16/2022

Warriors book is on the move 


The History Committee is sharing our story widely this spring, taking our history book, Warriors for Democracy, on the road with event presentations, book tables, and promotions. 

The Warriors for Democracy book price has been reduced, down to $30 for the hard cover and $20 for paperback. It’s a great time to order them for gifts. To order a copy, visit book storefront HERE.


On March 10, History members promoted the book at the Third Annual Women's History Month breakfast, which honored women’s contributions to history.


The Orange County Regional History Center sponsored the event, in partnership with the League of Women Voters of Orange County. Headlined as “Breaking Barriers through Art,” the event celebrated the work of the late artist Mary Ann Carroll, the only woman in a group of artists called the Florida Highwaymen.


LWVOC Co-President Barbara Lanning welcomed the group, on behalf of the League, and recalled the vital role of women in shaping Central Florida history. Warriors books were featured at a League table. 

On March 12, LWVOC History Committee co-chairs Joan Erwin and Joy Dickinson touted the Warriors book at a book festival at First Congregational Church, Winter Park. Joan and Warriors author Ann Patton shared LWVOC stories on a discussion panel and at a book-sales table. The panel moderator was LWVOC’s Barbara Liston.

On March 5, History Committee members promoted the Warriors book in Wildwood, Florida. They collaborated with the Villages / Tri-County League to produce a forum fostering community good will and conversations for change.


PHOTOS shown above l. to r.:

1) The LWVOC is taking its Warriors for Democracy history book on the road this spring.  Book promoters include LWVOC History Committee co-chairs Joy Dickinson and Joan Erwin and Warriors author Ann Patton. (Anne Thomas photo)


2) Spearheading the March 10 celebration of women’s history at the Orange County Regional History Center were, l to r, Barbara Lanning, LWVOC co-president; Pam Schwartz, History Center executive director; and Joy Dickinson, co-chair of the LWVOC History Committee. 


3) The LWVOC partnered with the Orange County Regional History Center March 10 to honor Women’s History Month. Among those celebrating, l to r, were: Barbara Lanning, Lisa Adkins, Joan Erwin, Pam Schwartz, Joy Dickinson, Ann Patton, and Virginia Meany.


4) Warriors for Democracy books were spotlighted March 12 at a book festival at First Congregational Church, Winter Park. LWVOC’s Barbara Liston, Ann Patton, and Joan Erwin joined Dr. Jack Lane in a panel discussion that featured stories drawn from our Warriors history book. (Anne Thomas photo)