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Local Teachers Wanted for Harvard Case Method Civics Workshop

Education Comm. | Published on 5/4/2022

     The Education Committee is reaching out to our members!


We need to find interested American History and Government High School Teachers to nominate

for the

Harvard Case Method Civics Workshop

with Professor Moss

August 20, 2022


                    Nomination Deadline is July 10, 2022


By employing case method teaching, the core pedagogy used at Harvard Business School for decades, teachers can help their students attain a deeper understanding of pivotal episodes in American democracy. Data has shown that this teaching approach also improves critical thinking and evidence-based argumentation skills, along with civic attitudes and behavior. 


All training, case materials and ongoing teacher support are entirely free of charge. 


For more information, you can visit the website of the Case Method Institute:  





PLEASE SEND:  Teacher names, high school name send email addresses to Tricia Huder, or Marilyn Hefferan,