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Harvard Civics Case Method Community Session

Education Committee | Published on 2/3/2023


As part of its mission to expand civic awareness and participation of young voters and community members, Orange County League of Women Voters in partnership with Orange County Schools is offering our third Harvard Civics Case Study Community Session.
The case study is James Madison, The Federal Negative, and the Making of the Constitution (1787) at Lake Nona High School from 6:00 pm-7:30 pm.

This is your opportunity to experience the mastery of an Ivy League school, HARVARD, and empower citizens as they engage in the civic process of democracy


Click to register for FEB 22 Harvard Case Study



Register by FEB 20 as important and required study materials must be downloaded prior to class.  Be sure to give yourself time to be prepared.




The Harvard Civics Project is an initiative formed
(1) to bring case method teaching to high schools and
(2) to use this methodology to deepen students’ and community understanding of American Democracy.

Based on the highly successful experience of Harvard Business School and other graduate and professional programs that use case-based teaching, the case method can be employed to strengthen high school education as well, ensuring a more exciting, relevant, and effective experience for students and teachers across a range of subjects. The case method can be especially effective at engaging students with topics in history and democracy, and it presents a unique opportunity to help reverse the broad decline in civic education and civic engagement in the United States. The national media have also pointed to the advantages of this method for engaging students. A Better Way To Teach History



Project cases are based on those outlined in Harvard Business School Professor David Moss's recent book, Democracy: A Case Study. Click here to watch Professor David A. Moss discuss his book, Democracy: A Case Study.