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Date: 11/9/2023
Subject: LWVOC Newsletter & Events
From: Lisa K Adkins

Can we have a round of applause for our LWVOC election volunteers! 
  • They manned two voting precincts in the "Adopt-A-Precinct" program and were fed by our FOP teams
  • The team organized candidate responses for local races
  • Countless hours were spent at community events passing out voter registration info
  • Voter Services and Communication Committee members uploaded "Volunteer Events" to our website, shared photos and voter info to our social media, emails, etc.
  • Volunteers steadfastly continue to collect petition signatures for Abortion Access and Right to Clean Water
THANK YOU, volunteers!  We appreciate your efforts!
Our two Adopt-A-Precinct teams (Wadeview and Calvary) both reported a long but successful day joining together to participate in our democracy.  Shown above,  Wadeview Community Center, under the leadership of Poll Clerk Karen Willis, L-R:  Carlos Loran, Karen Willis, Terry Osborne, Kathy Schmitz, Virginia Meany and Mary Montanus (coordinator).

Shown below,  Calvary Assembly, under the leadership of Poll Clerk Sue Gilman, L-R;  Deborah Dennard, Paul Creighton, Sue Gilman, Gina Hall, Victor Collazo, Barbara Lanning and Alice Filteau.
Not shown but greatly appreciated: To support our dedicated Adopt A Precinct poll workers for the Nov. 7 Orlando municipal elections, Feed Our Precincts, coordinated by Betty Saulpaugh and Nancy Nix, delivered breakfast, lunch and dinner to the two precincts we staffed. Providing food for the poll workers at the Calvary Assembly precinct were Pam Lindon, Lee Rambeau Kemp, Alice Filteau (doing double duty as a poll worker herself!), Sharon Conway, and Julie Tindall. The poll workers at the Wadeview Community Center precinct were served by Joy Dickinson, Linda Piantieri, Trudy Boston, and Jill Shargaa. Many thanks to both our poll workers and food delivery volunteers.
DEC 8, LWVOC Sip & Shop
12-6PM, Park Ave. Winter Park
15% of day's proceeds from participating shops will be donated to LWVOC
Weds, DEC 13, 6-9PM
Come celebrate the holidays with us!
Women's Club of Winter Park
$40 members and guests
RECAP coming soon!  Artificial Intelligence & Elections drew a huge crowd as LWVOC hosted its last Hot Topics public affairs forum of the year. Spectrum 13 News anchor Ybeth Bruzual moderated as panelists Bill Cowles, Kevin Aslett and Julie Anderson talked about the dangers that AI poses for voters.  See the highlight in the Orlando Sentinel HERE  Shown above: Ybeth Bruzual, Susan Windmiller-HT Chair, Bill Cowles, Tiffany Hughes-President, Julie Anderson, Kevin Aslett, Photography by Jeffrey Blydenburgh
MARK your calendars now for JAN '24 for our next Hot Topics, "Healthy Communities Equal Healthy Democracy." Details & Registration

Updates from Floridians for NPV, National Popular Vote:  Senator Vic Torres has filed the National Popular vote Bill in the Florida Senate. It’s assigned SB236 and is exactly the same as HB67 filed by Representative Michael Gottlieb and co-sponsored by Representatives Harris, Hinson, Skidmore, Valdés.
LWVFL will be offering presentations to "spread the word" and educate voters about NPV.

SCHEDULE us for VOTER REGISTRATION at your next event!
Our Voter Services team can educate your attendees on how to be #voteready and help them get registered.   Click Request for Voter Registration Event
INVITE us to SPEAK to your group.  Our Speaker's Bureau team can discuss voting, our issue advocacies, League history/policy, local government and more. Click Speaker Request Form 
LWVOC Volunteer Icon LWVOC Donate Icon LWVOC Vote Icon 

Your gift today will ensure that we can continue to defend democracy and fight for the rights of every voter. Thanks to a generous donor, your gift will be matched — dollar for dollar up to $25,000!  Double My Impact HERE
Linda Mallinson

Mary Scott

Alexia Watson
Click Join Now to learn about our Membership levels including Student Memberships which are FREE
For the generous donations to the LWVOC Fund:
Jennifer and Phil Anderson
Angela Y. Galvez
Diane S. Darnall
Sherri Braxton, a generous donation to LWVOC Fund "In Loving Memory of her mother, Fern F. Hurt"
Delores C. Wright, a generous donation to LWVOC Fund "In Memory of James H. Wright"
In 2021, President Biden declared November as "Native American Heritage Month," recognizing the brutal treatment of these indigenous people and emphasizing Native American roots are “deeply embedded in this land- a homeland loved, nurtured, strengthened and fought for with honor and conviction."

The DEIA Committee invites all LWVOC members to consider reading a title from the lists below sometime this month to learn, recognize and honor the history of the original settlers of our nation:

The LWVOC has been busy in 2023 and we have a couple more months to make an impact!  Stay up-to-date by following us on social media (links are at top right of this email) or visiting us at  Share this newsletter with your friends/family/colleagues and encourage them to join or support our community efforts.  And as always, your monetary support helps us continue our efforts.  Donate HERE
 Climate First Bank is our Platinum Sponsor. The bank will be supporting LWVOC Hot Topics events for 2023. Climate First Bank is the world's first FDIC-insured community bank founded to combat the climate crisis. Climate First Bank offers a complete, full-service portfolio of simple and easy-to-use traditional banking products designed to do good for people and the planet. Please follow this link to learn more: