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Why join

Protect Our Democracy 
by defending the right for every citizen to vote.

Become Empowered through our education and advocacy programs.
Stand up for Women by advocating for policies that protect their rights.
Support Our Community by creating positive change on issues important to Orange County and Florida.
Meet New People through our network with like-minded members and local community leaders.
By Joining LWV of Orange County, you automatically become a member of our influential state and national Leagues and add your voice to a national organization with over 500,000 members and supporters.

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Click to learn about the women of Donor Membership
Click to learn about the women of Donor Membership

To increase support of your local League, please consider one of our Donor Membership levels:

Ida B. Wells, $150/yr (1862-1931) an educator, journalist and through women’s suffrage tirelessly fought for justice and equal rights for African American women and men.

Susan B Anthony, $250/yr (1820-1906) lead organizer of the women’s suffrage movement over more than 50 years. Anthony fought for equal rights throughout her life, beginning with her successful crusade for the 13th Amendment that ended slavery.

Carrie Chapman Catt, $500/yr (1859-1947) founder of the national League of Women Voters in order to educate 20 million new voters about government and the power of their vote.

Alternatively, you can make a one-time donation at the end of the joining process. Thank you for your support.

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Click HERE to learn where your dues go.
Click HERE to learn where your dues go.

To increase support of your local League, please consider one of our Donor Membership levels.

Alternatively, you can make a one-time donation at the end of the joining process. Thank you for your support.