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Volunteer for 2022 Campaign Sign Removal

Published on 8/24/2022
Plans for the primary and general election Campaign Sign Collection Campaigns are in full swing. In conjunction with Orange County and the Cities of Orlando and Winter Park, the League of Women Voters of Orange County is ramping up to collect campaign signs when candidates are done with them. The plan is to collect the signs after both the primary and the general elections at locations around the county. Subsequently, the signs will be delivered to NuCycle Energy in Plant City for re-use as a clean(er) source of energy for the cement manufacturing industry. 

As well as creating an alternative to burning coal, this program keeps the bulky plastics out of our landfill and gives the signs a second reason for existing. It's a winning proposition all the way around.

Volunteers are needed to help keep the collection boxes tidy and the campaign signs corralled into manageable bundles. This map indicates the locations for various collection points. 

Volunteer Here: Campaign Sign Removal Project

Questions about the program?  Contact Kay Hudson/